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May 30, 2014

On the eleventh edition of Reality Bomb we have a bootleg tape of Graeme Burk and Alex Kennard at their latest live show recorded at CONsole Room in Minneapolis in May. Featuring an interview with Arnold T Blumberg and Robert Smith? about the new Doctor and a TARDIS trivia quiz with Steven K. Manfred, Kathryn Sullivan, Bill Evenson, and Lars Pearson.  And it's time to do a security check as The Ambassadors of Death is in the Gallery of the Underrated with the AV Club's Christopher Bahn. All this plus special guest Sophie Aldred sits down for an interview and performs in a comedy sketch with Arnold T. Blumberg, Alex Kennard, Laura Gerald and Bill Evenson!

NOTE: We really mean it. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the sound quality is about the same as a concert bootleg.