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Dec 20, 2019

On the seventy-fifth edition of Reality Bomb, we're looking back on the past decade's worth of Doctor Who as NPR Books editor Petra Mayer, Den of Geek's Kayti Burt, Jon Arnold and Kat Climpson discuss the best Doctor Who of the 2010s with Graeme Burk. Joy Piedmont looks back on the Doctor Who Christmas specials with our...

Nov 29, 2019

On the seventy-fourth edition of Reality Bomb, Joy Piedmont is talking to Heather Berberet and Rachel Donner about the brand-new trailer for Series 12, what they're excited about, how it stacks up against past trailers and how it feels to have your favourite TV program ghost you for almost a year. Meanwhile, Graeme...

Oct 17, 2019

On the seventy-third edition of Reality Bomb we have a special live episode recorded at the Stone Creek Bar and Lounge in New York with Graeme Burk and Joy Piedmont. First, we bring together NPR Books editor Petra Mayer, Marvel Comics writer Dan Slott and Bustle's movies editor Sage Young to discuss where things go from...

Sep 18, 2019

On the seventy-second edition of Reality Bomb, we remember to Doctor Who writer, script editor, author and legend Terrance Dicks with a special tribute from Martin Belam, Nick Abadzis, Lisa Gledhill, Jon Arnold, Jason A. Miller and Bill Evenson. YouTuber, fan and Doctor Who Magazine Time Team member Claudia Boleyn...

Aug 19, 2019

On the seventy-first edition of Reality Bomb, we’ve given over the entire episode to a special report on convention safety. We’re doing a 90-minute deep dive on the topic on harassment at conventions and what convention organizers need to do to make cons safer.

We talk to outside resources and experts as well as...