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Aug 20, 2018

On the sixitieth edition of Reality Bomb, Joy Piedmont talks with author Jenny Colgan and Head Over Feels' Kim Rogers about romance in Doctor Who and what defines it. Graeme Burk talks to Lindsey Mayers and Heather Berberet about their fondest hopes, deepest fears and wildest speculations for the new season. We reunite our "Twitch Team" of Helena Lane, Katherine Climpson, Evan Teng and Andrew Smith to discuss how Doctor Who in the '70s and '80s fared and the skittles-coloured Daleks invade the Gallery of the Underrated with Kelly Boaz. Plus our poet laureate, Chris Fosten, offers an ode to not knowing, and Miss Urquart investigates a locked room abduction on a podcast!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Reality Bomb will be having a live show in Toronto on Saturday, October 20th! Details to follow soon!